Welcome to Gift of Adoption Carolinas

About Gift of Adoption Carolinas

In total, through December 31 2023, Gift of Adoption has awarded $1,400,000 in adoption assistance grants across the Carolinas to complete the adoptions of 432 children.

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Chapter Goal 

Each year, Gift of Adoption Carolinas receives requests from approximately 55 qualified families – representing a funding need of $267,000. The goal of the Carolinas Chapter’s all-volunteer board is to raise enough funds to help complete each of these adoptions. 100% of the money raised by the chapter is directed to uniting children with forever families in the area.


Our Success Stories


Meet Skyler, adopted from the U.S.A. in 2023 by Raleigh, NC grant family Johnathan and Candace


Meet Riggins adopted, from U.S.A. in 2023 by Charlotte, NC grant family Gabriel and Dionne



Meet Lily adopted, from South Korea in 2023 by Durham, NC grant family Daniel and Teresa

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