A church family helping one another give orphans a home
“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means
caring for orphans…” James 1:27 (NLT)
Welcome to the homepage of the Church of Eleven22 Fund of the Gift of Adoption Fund. The purpose of the Church of Eleven22 Fund is to further the missions of both the Church of Eleven22 and the Gift of Adopion Fund by making more adoptions possible within our congregation through adoption assistance grants to our members.
A Biblical Calling
Psalm 68:5 reminds us that God is the ultimate Father to the Fatherless.
Yet over and over again throughout scripture, He calls on each
of us to care for and comfort the parentless here on earth. Many
Christians answer this call head-on through adoption, welcoming an orphaned child directly into their home. But for those who are unable or unwilling to adopt, what meaningful alternatives exist to be obedient to God’s call?
The Church of Eleven22 Fund of the Gift of Adoption Fund
offers one such alternative. Gift of Adoption (GOA) is a national 501(c)3 charitable organization dedicated to helping
put parentless children into permanent, loving families. We provide adoption assistance grants to qualified families, helping them overcome the upfront financial barriers that too often force families to abandon their adoption process.
Adoption can be a very expensive endeavor, sometimes prohibitively so. The average adoption costs roughly $25,000, but some can cost two to three times that amount. Gift of Adoption grants typically help families cover the final 10-20% of their adoption costs.
Many times this can make the difference between an adoption being completed, instead of having it fall through at the last minute simply on account of the costs. Furthermore, with fewer than 2% of adoptable children actually being adopted each year, these cases often represent the last realistic chance for that child to ever become part of a family. The impact of these grants is immediate, permanent and immeasurable.
“Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the
cause of orphans” Isaiah 1:17
How you can help:
Donate to the Church of Eleven22 Fund to help support the adoptions of qualified members of the church congregation. 100% of the funds donated to the CoE22 adoption assistance fund will go to funding adoption assistance grants for members of the church and all donations are tax-deductible.
How you can receive help:
If you are a member of the Church of Eleven22 and you are pursuing adoption but are facing a financial obstacle the threatens to delay or terminate your adoption journey, consider applying for an adoption assistance grant.