New Hampshire Chapter: The Chef’s Gala

Cornerstone Community Center 14 Elk Street, White River Junction, Vermont

Friday May 9, 2025  |  6:00 - 8:30 PM (ET)  |  Cornerstone Community Center Join us at The Chef's Gala, where culinary excellence meets philanthropy! Delight your senses as top


Missouri Chapter: Cheers to the Gift of Family

Bishop's Post Restaurant 16125 Chesterfield Parkway W, Chesterfield, MO

Sunday May 18, 2025  |  2:00 - 5:00 PM (CT)  |  Bishop's Post Restaurant Join us for an afternoon to raise money for adoption in the state of Missouri. Enjoy


Ohio Chapter: First Annual 5k

Loveland Bike Trail 205 Broadway St, Loveland, Ohio

Saturday May 31, 2025  |  8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (ET)  |  Loveland Bike Trail: 205 Broadway St, Loveland, OH 45140 Join us for the First Annual Gift of Adoption


Minnesota Chapter: Golf for the Gift

Troy Burne Golf Club 295 Lindsay Road, Hudson, WI

We're back for the 18th Rod Simons Memorial Golf For The Gift of Adoption Celebrity Golf Tournament. Once again, we're fortunate to tee-off for another great day at the gorgeous