Why Partner with Gift of Adoption?
A partnership with Gift of Adoption can provide authenticity to your company’s mission, engage your employees in a meaningful way, and market to a large and untapped audience.
Did you know: 86% of Americans have a favorable view of adoption?
Partnership Opportunitues
Create a Fund
Creating a fund at Gift of Adoption focused on your company’s mission or geographical footprint helps local families who can then share their stories within your organization, providing tangible impact, authenticity of mission, and employee engagement.
#RareIs Adoption Fund: Launched in 2019 by Horizon Therapeutic, now Amgen, the RAREis Adoption Fund has united almost 100 children with rare diseases or conditions with their permanent families, allowing them to receive the medical care needed to thrive.
Cause Marketing
Promotions that engage customers emotionally build brand loyalty. Companies have a unique opportunity to become leaders in promoting and supporting adoption assistance as a philanthropic priority by partnering with Gift of Adoption. Consider donating a percent of a product’s sales to Gift of Adoption or adding a round-up campaign during November, National Adoption Month.
Example: White Castle NW Indiana District raised $45,000 during spring and fall round-up campaigns in just 8 stores in NW Indiana in 2023.
Gift of Adoption has a national network of volunteer-led chapter boards which hold fundraising events throughout the year. Check out our “Upcoming Events” section to to sponsor an event near you. Chapter boards provide a great vehicle for employees to engage—gaining leadership, marketing, PR and other skills while working with highly competent teams to further a worthy mission.
Workplace Giving
Each year, thousands of employees are given the opportunity to direct a portion of their paycheck to the charity of their choice through workplace giving campaigns. You can help more at-risk children by directing workplace contributions to Gift of Adoption.
United Way or CFC?
Write in Gift of Adoption—EIN 39-1863217, 1200 Shermer Road, Suite 111, Northbrook IL 60062.
Gift of Adoption’s CFC number is 95108.
Does your employer match your gift?
Use the search bar below to quickly find out if your employer matches gifts. Follow the instructions to fill out your employer’s matching gift form and send it to us at donation@giftofadoption.org or mail to: Gift of Adoption, 1200 Shermer Rd. Suite 111, Northbrook IL 60062.
Gifts In-Kind
Travel Related
Travel expenses can be 10 to 30% of the final costs an adopting family must cover. Families adopting domestically often travel across the country to be by their baby’s side during an extended stay in a hospital. Internationally, some countries require multiple trips and long stays in the country before an adoption can be completed. In-kind donations of lodging, air travel, restaurant or gas gift cards would help to cover some of these final expenses.
Event Support
Silent and Live Auction donations greatly impact the success of the dozens of events Gift of Adoption holds across the country each year. Check out our “Upcoming Events” section to find an event for your in-kind donation.
If you would like to discuss partnership opportunities, please contact Sharon Komlofske (skomlofske@giftofadoption.org).