The Need

Did You Know?


153 Million Children Worldwide Are Orphans

That is equal to nearly half the population of the United States who are in need of a permanent family.
(Source: UNICEF)


30% of Americans Have Seriously Considered Adoption

Less than 2% of Americans complete an adoption. 81% cite the high cost of adoption as a primary barrier.
(Source: Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption)


More than $20.8 Million In Adoption Assistance Grants Have Been Awarded

The Gift of Adoption Fund has reached over 6,312 children with the gift of family.


Many millions of these children worldwide, including 100,000 in US foster care, are eligible for adoption. Yet, in any given year, most go unadopted. Delays deny them access to the people, experiences, resources and support they need to thrive at a critical, formative time – placing them in further jeopardy for poor life outcomes compared to their peers.

Children who languish in care systems are often considered special needs – simply because they are ‘hard to place’ due to age, race, sexual orientation, or abilities.

Thirty-nine percent of Americans seriously consider adoption, yet just 2% move forward, with the majority (nearly 80%) citing the cost to adopt as a primary barrier.

This is where Gift of Adoption (GOA) comes in.

GOA removes the cost barriers to adoption, by awarding grants to complete adoptions of children in vulnerable circumstances – giving them permanent homes and the chance to thrive.