Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Use the Prior DEI Communications links to the left to stay current with our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion activities.

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As always, we welcome your feedback and encourage you to contact Tom Southall, National Board Vice President and DEI Task Force Leader, at tsouthall07@gmail.com, with ideas you would like to share.

DEI Task Force members

  • Tom Southall, Gift of Adoption National Board Vice-President, DEI Task Force Leader
  • Sandra Bury, Retired
  • Pam Devereux, CEO, Gift of Adoption
  • Ekata Doshi, Gift of Adoption National Board Member
  • Anne Gross, Senior Director, Data Citizens with Purpose, KPMG LLP
  • Michael McDonald, Segment Sourcing Director, ITW
  • Shaneetra Gross, CAO, Gift of Adoption
  • Brian Murphy, CFO/COO, Gift of Adoption
  • In Memoriam: Ngozi Okorafor, Director of Employment Actions Cook County Sheriff’s Department, GOA grant recipient

Lukas (California), Sean (China), Adelaine (California), Emma (India), James (Ethiopia)