HOMETOWN: I grew up in Stamford, Connecticut.
PROFESSION: I am the Managing Director at a Domestic and International shipping firm headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut.
TO ME THE GIFT OF ADOPTION IS… a wonderful organization with a deep and meaningful mission. Helping families to become whole is such a profoundly worthy cause.
WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO YOUR BOARD POSITION WITH GOA: The opportunity to help families, especially children. I know families with adopted children, and I can see how impactful their relationships are, both for the parents and for the children. I would be thrilled to help a family, or families, to become whole. When I learned of the Fund, I knew immediately that I needed to get involved.
IMPACT YOU’D LIKE TO HAVE ON GOA: My goal is to improve the resources of the Fund, so that we can have a positive impact on as many children and families as possible.
FAMILY: (number of kids, married, etc.): Wife, Jill, married for 12 years. 8-year old son, Ryan, and a 2-year old daughter, Elizabeth (Ellie).
FAVORITE FAMILY TRADITION: We love spending Friday nights in our pajamas, making Jiffy-Pop popcorn and watching movies.
MOST MEANINGFUL ACCOMPLISHMENT: In my spare time, I run long distance races such as the half and full marathon. Years ago I set out to qualify for the Boston Marathon, which I eventually did. That will always be near and dear to my heart, because I poured a ton of effort into that – when I accomplished that goal it was extremely fulfilling.
FIRST JOB: I worked as a gas station attendant in Stamford when I was 16.
PERSONAL HERO: Marathon great, Meb Keflezighi. He won the Boston Marathon at nearly 39 years old. Inspiring stuff!
LAST BOOK READ: Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell.
PERSON YOU WOULD MOST LIKE TO MEET: Probably Meb – I’d love to pick his brain for more training tips!
WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO: Consistency, Commitment, Perseverance and Patience.