Welcome to Gift of Adoption Metro DC
About Gift of Adoption Metro DC
Metro DC presents a unique opportunity for Gift of Adoption. Board members from the Metro DC Chapter are Gift of Adoption’s “feet on the ground”, building relationships with key organizations to help Gift of Adoption further our mission. These are organizations that can provide research into adoption trends, advocacy for adoption friendly legislation and outreach to those on the frontline of adoption services.
Additionally, Gift of Adoption Metro DC receives requests from approximately 3 qualified families annually – representing a funding need of $15,000. The goal of the Metro DC Chapter’s all-volunteer board is to contribute enough funds to help complete each of these adoptions. 100% of the funds contributed by the chapter board is directed to uniting children with forever families in the area.
The chapter is currently seeking leaders in the DC Metro area to assist in the relationship building efforts in conjunction with the national office and to fund local adoption grants.
Board members should be located in the Washington Metro area and must be willing to participate in monthly calls and quarterly in-person meetings to support the development of strong national partnerships – as we create awareness of this new philanthropic category and resource our vision.
If you would like to work with smart, dedicated people who believe that a loving family is a basic right for children everywhere, contact Ashley Greene.
Become a Friend of Metro DC
With a donation of $3000 over 3 years, a Friend of the Metro DC Chapter provides continued support and faithful giving to ensure adoption will be put in reach for more children and families each month.